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We use technology as one way of developing skills, knowledge and behaviours students will need as responsible citizens in our global community. Students learn collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking in a variety of ways throughout the school day. In an effort to increase access to 21st century skills, BSPS will allow personal devices on our school network.
Our Aim To provide students with digitally rich 21st century learning environments that facilitate the development of a lifelong love of learning and of becoming active adn responsible global citizens.
The Bourchier Street Primary School BYOD Program: • enables a personalisation of student learning through access to rich learning resources; • best facilitates the development of knowledge and skills necessary for the 21st century workforce, including digital-age literacy, innovative and creative thinking, effective communication and high productivity; • allows continuous access to educational materials allowing learning efficiency to happen anywhere, anytime; • provides an engaging, interactive environment for learning; and, • provides simple yet sophisticated text, audio and video-based communication facilities for collaboration with peers, teachers and experts in a local, national or global context.
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What will be allowed? We will allow iPads and Windows based laptops/netbooks to be a part of the program. During our trial more than 90% of participants chose to bring in iPads. While Netbooks and laptops are still certainly part of the program most of the content of this information pack will be focused on iPads, although the same rules apply to all devices in our BYOD program. Any iPad or iPad mini as long as it has wifi and a minimum of 16 GB storage is allowed in the program. Currently, Ipads retailers are selling are iPad 4’s, iPad Airs and iPad mini 3’s. These are the latest models available. Parent Student Acceptable Use Agreement To participate in the BYOD Program, parents and students are required to sign the BSPS BYOD Acceptable Use Agreement. A significant component of this agreement is that the school takes no responsibility for lost, theft or damage to personal devices. Support and warranty It is recommended that parents consider support and warranty arrangements for their child’s iPad. Support and warranty is the responsibility of the owner. Students are responsible for general care of their iPad. An Apple Care Warranty. • Doubles the warranty to 2 years hardware worldwide warranty. • 6 day phone support for hardware and software assistance. • Worldwide warranty coverage for 2 years. • Software and Application support provided Apple produced it. Insurance It is recommended that parents consider insuring the iPad for theft and damage. Insurance is the responsibility of the owner. Students are responsible for general care of their iPad. Protective Case There are a range of cases available for your iPad. We recommend a case that protects both the front and the back of the iPad. One suggestion is the Gumdrop Case which provides: • High level protection for younger students • Full body protection • http://www.gumdropcases.com/ipad-2-cases-1.html
What is acceptable/appropriate use behaviour by a student? It is acceptable for students to use school computers and network infrastructure for: assigned class work and assignments set by teachers; developing literacy, communication and information skills; authoring text, artwork, audio and visual material for publication on the Intranet or Internet, solely for educational purposes as supervised and approved by the school; conducting research for school activities and projects; communicating with other students, teachers, parents or experts in relation to school work; and access to online references such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc. Students can also collaborate, research and learn through Bourchier Street Primary School’s eLearning environment. What is unacceptable/inappropriate use behaviour by a student? It is unacceptable for students to: download, distribute or publish offensive messages or pictures; use obscene or abusive language to harass, insult or attack others; deliberately waste printing and Internet resources; damage computers, printers or the network equipment; violate copyright laws which includes plagiarism; use unsupervised Internet chat; and use online email services (eg Hotmail), send chain letters or spam email (junk mail); to record another person in anyway without their expressed consent. Usernames and passwords are to be kept by the student and not divulged to any other individual (eg a student should not give their fellow students their username and password). Students cannot use another student or staff member’s username or password to access the school’s network, including not trespassing in another person’s files, home drive or email. Additionally, students should not divulge personal information (eg name, parent’s name, address), via the Internet or email, to unknown entities or for reasons other than to fulfil the educational program requirements of the school. Email is to be used for the purpose of learning only. What is expected of schools when providing students with access to ICT facilities? Schools will provide information in relation to student access and usage of its network and reserves the right to restrict/remove student access to the Intranet, extranet, internet or network facilities if parents or students do not adhere to the school’s network usage and access guideline/statement. Schools will prepare students for the possibility of unanticipated access to harmful information, materials or approaches from unknown persons via the Internet (eg run through processes for disregarding (or ceasing to access to information, the process for reporting accidental access to harmful information and reporting approaches from unknown personal via the Internet to the supervising teacher or school staff member).
What awareness is expected of students and their parents? Students and their parents should: • Understand the responsibility and behaviour requirements (as outlined by the school) that come with accessing the school’s ICT network facilities and associated devices and ensure they have the skills to report and discontinue access to harmful information if presented via the Internet or email. • Be aware that the ICT facilities and devices should be utilised with good behaviour as stipulated in school policies and that students breaking these rules will be subject to appropriate action by the school. This may include restricted network access for a period as deemed appropriate by the school. • Be aware that access to ICT facilities provides valuable learning experiences, therefore giving the student educational benefits in line with the school’s educational program. • Be aware that the Internet gives access to information on and from a wide variety of organisations, subjects, people, places with origins from around the world; the school cannot control information accessed through the Internet; and information may be accessed or accidentally displayed which could be illegal, dangerous or offensive, with or without the student’s immediate knowledge; and • Understand that teachers will always exercise their duty of care, but protection, mitigation and discontinued access to harmful information requires responsible use by the student.
Conditions of use Charging Batteries A student’s iPad should be fully charged when brought to school. The power supply is not required to be brought to school. Leaving the power supply at home reduces the weight of the equipment students transport to and from school and reduces likelihood of damage and/or loss. A fully charged iPad should not require charging during the school day. Backing up It is recommended that the student iPad be regularly synced using iTunes to a home computer to ensure that the iPad’s contents can be restored.
Installing Music, Apps, Games and Programs As the devices in the program are personal devices Bourchier Street Primary School permits games and programs to be installed on the student’s iPad. It is highly recommended that a parent is the administrator of the iTunes account linked to the student’s iPad. By having the iPad linked to a parent iTunes account, the student would need to request permission from a parent to purchase the item from the iTunes store. We also recommend the use of iTunes cards rather than linking a credit card to the iTunes account as this will eliminate excessive unauthorised purchases. Parents would therefore be cognisant of the content installed on the iPad. Whilst at school, students are only permitted to access audio/video files, websites and programs that relate to their educational activities. Students are not permitted to use the Internet at Bourchier Street Primary School to download non- learning related audio/video files, website content, programs and iTunes content. Accessing non-learning related audio/video files, websites and programs at Bourchier Street PS would result in the removal of student privileges to the use the iPad at school for one week. The school can also delete apps from BYOD devices if they are being used without teacher consent (these apps can be re-installed at home at no cost). The consequence for repetitively accessing non-learning audio/video files, websites and programs at School, would be, that the authorisation to use the iPad at school would be removed for a greater period of time. Internet and Email Use at School At school, students must agree to follow the guidelines set out in the Internet and Email Appropriate Use Agreement. All internet access is content filtered. Bourchier Street students also have a school based email account that can be used both at home and at school. This email is monitored for inappropriate use and language.
Students are responsible for the general care of their iPad.
General Precautions It is recommended that food or drink should not be next to your iPad when in use. Cords and cables must be inserted into and removed from the iPad carefully. The iPad should never be left in a car or any unsupervised area. Students are responsible for ensuring the battery is charged for school each day. Transporting the iPad It is recommended that the iPad be protected by a case that protects the front and back of the device (there are many available for purchase). The iPad should remain in the case when being used and carried at school. It is recommended that students do not carry drink bottles of any kind in their backpacks with their iPads. Students should carry their iPad with two hands at all time, and be aware of where their iPad is at all times. Screen Care Screens may be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. They are particularly susceptible to damage from excessive pressure. Do not lean on the top of the iPad. Do not place anything near the iPad that could put pressure on the screen. Do not place anything in the cover that will press against the screen. Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth or anti-static cloth.
Required and Recommended Apps At Bourchier Street Primary School we believe that the real benefit of devices like the iPad is their ability to be creation tools. We have chosen to focus on a small number of creation apps to be required apps in the BYOD program. These apps allow our teachers to be confident that all of the iPads in our school will have the apps that we use in our school regularly. This list may be changed as implementation of the program continues but our goal will be keep costs down for families.