Bourchier St Primary School’s literacy program develops each child’s ability to speak, listen, read and write competently and confidently for the purposes of communication, learning and enjoyment in our society.
The Readers Workshop
We believe that all students need to experience high-quality teaching to ensure maximum learning. The reading workshop model is based on high impact teaching strategies.
The Writers Workshop
Complementing our Readers workshop. The Writers workshop aims to provide learners with a sesne that they are all authors and immerse them in the wonderful world of language and literacy.
Speaking & LISTENING
A solid foundation of oral language helps children become successful readers, strong communicators and increases their confidence and overall sense of well-being. Talk, talk, talk!
Literacy AssESSMENT
Rigorous and continuous assessment underpins all of the work we do. Our practice involves the provision of effective feedback to students and active involvement of students in their own learning
Reading Recovery
Early Literacy Intervention is critical for early learners. Our one-on-one reading recovery program aims to get learners the reading support they need to allow them to flourish as readers and writers.
Developing PASSION
We want to ignite a passion for reading and writing! Enthusiastic “read alouds” are commonplace in our classrooms, reading nooks with pillows, allow students to choose, take risks and keep an open mind!
At Bourchier St Primary, Literacy is foundational to everything we do. We invest heavily in the professional learning of our teachers and as such we consider every teacher at Bourchier an expert on Literacy.
Readers & Writer’s notebooks allow learners to take in the world around them and document their daily lives. They provide an easy, informal way to start thinking about new topics and ideas. Let’s get wrtiting!