This afternoon’s session will touch on some important student well being issues and also fulfill our obligation to cover Mandatory Reporting in our staff sessions.
We all have a duty of care to protect the safety, health and wellbeing of children in our care. If we have concerns about the safety, health and wellbeing of and child in our care we must take immediate action.
The department has many guidelines when in comes to mandatory reporting. Please see below for information on completing the online module
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”] Here is another link to the module Check out their webpage with loads of information here. We have used these guidelines to formulate our own policies. Two school policies that are relevant are:
Child Safe Policy
Mandatory Reporting Policy
Student Well-being and Engagement policy
Student Wellbeing:
We also will discuss student wellbeing and mindfulness. Some of you will remember Janet Etty-Leal who came to our school last year. Her message of mindful classrooms is something we should remember at this time of year. Her book ‘Meditation Capsules’ is available at the school. Here is a video (there is lots available on her website)
Promoting a mindful classroom doesn’t have to be elaborate. It can be as simple as asking everyone to take in three deep breaths or notice something they haven’t noticed before using the different senses.
What do you do in your classroom to promote a calm atmosphere?